
Christians Gone Wild: Nothing but the Cross

519A number of years ago I noticed a commercial during a sporting event entitled “Girls Gone Wild.” Needless to say, as a father of two girls, it was one video that I pray they never end up on! When we lose our bearings and “go wild,” the results are reckless behaviors.

Many years ago, a group of Jesus followers also began to lose their bearings. Their small church was planted in Corinth, the most influential and wealthy city of its day. It was a city of culture and diversity. It was a city of knowledge and openness. However, shortly after their start, this church began to “go wild.” As a result, the apostle Paul wrote a letter to this community to encourage them to focus on what it is important.

This summer, at Crossroads Church in Cranberry, we will be studying 1 Corinthians. Through this letter, we will be learning what Paul said to those wild followers of Jesus.

Join us Sunday as we look at how Paul focused this community, and us, on the most central part of all Scripture: the cross.