
Insights on Exodus 29:1-40:38

·      Ministers are set apart.  This is not just another job. (Exodus 29)
·      The penalty of sin is death. (Exodus 29)
·      God is very specific at times. Exodus 29)
·      We are very dirty compared to God. (Exodus 30)
·      Give your best to the Lord (Exodus 31)
·      God is the giver of gifts.  He chooses. (Exodus 31)
·      Remember that God has done.  Honor the Sabbath.  This has not been done by your strength. (Exodus 31)
·      We often make bad mistakes when we are impatient.  (Exodus 32)
·      Be faithful.  Don’t forget what God has done. (Exodus 32)
·      Sometimes people are impossible to lead.  Keep doing what is right in the eyes of the Lord. (Exodus 32)
·      Ask God for grace on those who sin around and you. (Exodus 32)
·      Be for the Lord. (Exodus 32)
·      God punishes sin regardless of who you are.  (Exodus 32)
·      Humble yourself before God. (Exodus 33)
·      Holiness can be dangerous (Exodus 33)
·      At times blessing is conditional.  Be obedient. (Exodus 34)
·      “The Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in Love and faithfulness maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness rebellion and sin.” (Exodus 34)
·      The presence of God will change you.  This may frighten others.  (Exodus 34)
·      Bless people when they obey God (Exodus 39)
·      Honor the Lord.  His presence is a blessing not a right.  Treat Him with the respect and honor He deserves.  (Exodus 40)
·      Follow the Lord wherever he takes you. (Exodus 40)