
Insights on Numbers 8:15-21:7

·      The Lord will take us when He wants us.  Sometimes this appears like a tragedy from our perspective (Numbers 8)
·      When in question our first instinct should be to ask the Lord for answer (Numbers 9)
·      God is full of grace for the challenges that come in the circumstances of life.  But He is less gracious with disobedience. (Numbers 9)
·      Live in a way that follows the leadings of God.  Don’t ask Him to come along on your journey. (Numbers 9)
·      The Lord your God is your rescuer (Numbers 10)
·      The Lord wants us to remember the great things He has done (Numbers 10)
·      Sometimes the Lord will break up our comfort to see if we will follow Him (Numbers 10)
·      “If you come with us we will share whatever good things the Lord gives us.” Numbers 10:32 This would be a good church mission statement.
·      Be careful when complaining to God (Numbers 11)
·      Do not remember the past as better that it really was.  You were a slave but now you are free. (Numbers 11)
·      Leadership is hard (Numbers 11)
·      The Spirit of God brings unity (Numbers 11)
·      If you lead people will take shots at you and your family.  How you handle this says a lot about your leadership and who you follow. (Numbers 12)
·      Pray for those who persecute you. (Numbers 12)
·      If you focus on the challenges of a new opportunity you will never seize what “should have been.” (Numbers 13)
·      Live by faith not by fear.  Fear focus on what I cannot do.  Faith focuses on what God can do. (Numbers 13)
·      Do not rebel against the Lord or be afraid of the challenges that lie ahead (Numbers 14)
·      A great leader stands strong in the weak moments of the people he is leading. (Numbers 14)
·      The Glory of all we accomplish is not ours.  It is God’s (Numbers 14)
·      “The Lord is slow to anger, abounding in love and forgiving sin and rebellion.  Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished.” (Numbers 14:18)
·      The Lord judges us on the position of our heart, our spirit, and our decision to follow Him wholeheartedly. (Numbers 14)
·      Do not fight solely on your own strength.  Make sure God is with you.  Do not react out of guilt (Numbers 14)
·      Wear physical items that remind you of spiritual truths and keep you from following the lusts of this earth. (Numbers 15)
·      Do not steal the Glory of God to look better to others. (Numbers 20).