I am currently heading a search for the next Lead Pastor at Douglas Ave Christian Church. DACC has been a partner for years and would be a great opportunity for a growth oriented leader. Here are some details about the opportunity:
The Lead Pastor role at Douglas Avenue Christian Church is responsible for the preaching and teaching ministry of the congregation. The Lead Pastor is the senior staff member of the church and, following the elder governance model in place at DACC, reports to the congregation through the Eldership.
The Lead Pastor will be a visionary who can both lead, and delegate to, the other leaders in the congregation in fulfilling DACC’s mission. The Lead Pastor is a member of the Eldership team, and will work collaboratively with the Elders and the Executive Administrator to further develop and support the shared vision and mission. DACC has created the part-time role of Executive Administrator to create “bandwidth” for the Lead Pastor. This allows the Lead Pastor to focus on his areas of strengths in preaching and teaching, and to delegate operational tasks such as budgeting, program planning, and program implementation to a skilled Executive Administrator. As a member of the DACC Eldership, the Lead Pastor will be a person who enjoys working collaboratively with other leaders as well as developing believers to fulfill the mission and calling God has given them.
There are two key requirements from the Lead Pastor that are “must haves” in order to fulfill our vision for DACC: a strong ability to preach God’s truth in love while at the same time emphasizing God’s grace, and a passion for evangelism. The Word of God has tremendous power when the preacher applies it in a way that builds a bridge to the daily lives of the listeners. We desire preaching that is balanced between explaining the Biblical text, illustration of truth, and challenging application to life.
We believe evangelism must be the primary focus of our Lead Pastor and we require someone driven with the passion for reaching the lost. This passion for evangelism will be most effective when the members of the congregation are on fire for Christ and excited about growing spiritually. We believe authentic and contagious evangelism comes as a natural outpouring of believers’ excitement about what they’ve discovered in Jesus. Preaching that is based on the truth of God’s word and applicable to peoples’ lives will inspire believers in the congregation to become passionate about evangelism.
Rather than require the Lead Pastor to be gifted in many different areas of ministry, the desire of the elders is to see the Lead Pastor focus on preaching and evangelism and any candidates for this position must illustrate their giftedness in these two areas. Other leaders will be able to lead or assist in other areas of ministry required by the congregation, but we feel preaching and a passion for evangelism must come from the Lead Pastor in order for DACC to fulfill the full potential God has for us in our community.
The effective Lead Pastor will achieve the following goals during the first 24-months of work:
- Provide spiritual leadership for the entire church, staff, leadership, and ministry teams.
- Deliver biblically accurate and culturally relevant messages in weekend services.
- Renew the passion for reaching those who do not know Christ, leading to an increasing number of people crossing the line of faith to follow Jesus at DACC.
- Develop a clear spiritual path for moving believers to maturity in Christ using the Willow Creek Spiritual Continuum and Reveal surveys of DACC members as guideposts, with emphasis on:
- Evaluating the current spiritual vitality of the congregation
- Recommending Bible study material for individuals and groups relevant to their place on the Spiritual Continuum
- Leading the 1-to-3 mentorship model for discipling others
- Cultivate a desire in members for stewardship of resources (financial, time, and talent), resulting in increased giving and volunteerism.
- Develop a healthy and productive working relationship with the Eldership of DACC.
- Develop people with leadership gifts from all demographic segments of the congregation.
- Connect relationally and strategically with other churches in the community, as well as civic leaders and organizations.
- Connect relationally and strategically with other independent Christian churches in the Maritimes, as well as Maritime Christian College faculty and staff.
To find out more and apply click here: http://www.churchstaffing.com/job/157607/