
Yield: Boasting

Have you ever heard these Yield Vision Wall Poster copyphrases?…we got this…it’s in the bag…the fat lady has sung…it’s a sure thing…

These are the phrases shouted out when someone is certain that they have achieved success at whatever they are pursuing in the moment: whether it’s a basketball game, business deal, or a simple board game. In life when someone believes that they know the outcome, something in them can get a little arrogant and declare victory before the game is even over.

This weekend at Crossroads Church in Cranberry we are continuing our series entitled Yield by looking at how boasting can be a bad idea. Life is complex and there are no guarantees. James challenges us to yield our future plans to God and trust him through the journey of life. Take some time this week to read through James 4:13-17 and join us Sunday morning as we continue to look at the warning signs of life.