
Rest, Work, Be: The Rest of God

At times one of the mRest Work Be Vision Wall Poster copyost difficult things to do is rest.  I asked a friend this week if there was anything I could do to help him and he said, “Can you make more hours in the day?”  Most of us have plates that are full with work and activates that keep us running all day long!  This is not new.   God knew that we would be creatures who are addicted to activity and gave us a command to rest one day every week.  Scripture calls it a Sabbath.

On Sunday at Crossroads Church in Cranberry we will see that God gave us a Sabbath to exercise trust in Him, protect our relationships, maintain a eternal perspective, and renew our bodies and minds.    Join us Sunday, as we look closer at the rest of God and how to build more of this into our lives.