
Unlocking the Secret of Marriage: We’re Fighting About This?

The Secret of Marriage Vision Wall Poster copyWhen you think about it, marriage is a perfect recipe for conflict. You take two imperfect, sin-prone people, place them in close quarters, add the differences between males and females, mix in the perspectives of their different personalities and family backgrounds, pour on life’s stresses, and voila: conflict!
Sometimes they are big conflicts, and sometimes they’re just nagging irritations. If you’ve got conflict in your marriage, relax, you’re normal. It doesn’t mean your marriage is doomed, or that you have married the wrong person. It doesn’t mean you can’t be happy. All marriages have conflict. The difference is that in healthy marriages, people learn to resolve their conflict. In unhealthy marriages – they don’t.

On Sunday at Crossroads Church in Cranberry we are going to take a few moments to look at Romans 12:16 and how to increase harmony by making mercy our first response in conflict. Join us this Sunday at 10:30 am as we unlock another secret of marriage.