
A River of Blessing

River-of-Blessing-FBThanksgiving is coming up, which means that soon many of us are going to stuff ourselves with turkey, and we’ll pause and give thanks for the blessings in our lives. Sure, maybe our bodies and our bank accounts could be a bit healthier. But this time of year reminds us that it is important to take a moment to count our blessings.

This year as you do an inventory of your blessings, I’d encourage you to ask,”Why am I blessed as I am?”Yes, it’s good to be aware of
how we’ve been blessed. It’s even better to be aware of why we’ve been blessed.

This weekend at Crossroads Church in Cranberry we are going to see that we have been blessed to be a blessing to others!   On Sunday we are going to launch mission Christmas and share three areas of focus for this year’s Christmas offering. Join us this weekend as we look at what happens when we let blessings flow, not just collect.