
Insights on Genesis 1-16


God takes pleasure in His work. (Gen 1)

·      God created us uniquely with the ability to create as well. (Gen 1:27)
·      Man has always wanted to be like God.  This never ends well. (Gen 3)
·      “sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it” our response to this truth is critical. (Gen 4:7)
·      You can survive any flood if your walk with God (Gen 6:9)
·      Sacrifice is pleasing aroma to the Lord (Gen 8:20)
·      Sometimes you need to step out before you experience the blessing of God (Gen 12:1)
·      There are times when the Lord will be your shield (Gen 15:1)
·      God always keeps His promises (Gen 16).
·      The story is messed up already.